Responsive Table Creator Tool

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Responsive Table Creator Tool

A responsive table is kind of table where the height and width of the table is changeable according to the device browser. Responsive design is tied in with changing pattern to adapt screens of various sizes. 

You can zoom out or zoom in and see the entire table; however the text size will be too little or too large to even consider reading. 

Responsive Table Creator Tool

What Is A Table?

Tables on a website makes fact easy to read and understand. To do this, table has rows and columns to present data in a page. A row contains several cells, and a cell is the intersection of a row and column.

What Is A Responsive Table?

A Responsive Table is an HTML table that is responsive and adaptive in any browser window length and width. A responsive table not only shows on any device like computer, tablets, and mobile.

There are following simple steps that you have to follow for making responsive table:

1. Make a table in your Microsoft Word Document or in Excel or in other software that you like.
2. Then copy whole table at once.
3. In Code box (Given below) Enter the number of column are required to make table without counting the row of heading.
4. Then paste the whole table in code box.
5. Then press ENTER.
6. Then you will get HTML code for a table that you have pasted.
7. Then copy the whole code and paste in your website like Blogger, WordPress or other platform.

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